Anyway was playing Guild Wars 2 a lot lately. I've had it for a while but I only recently got into it. I kind of got out of MMOs altogether, as most sensible people have. But this game is nice. One-time purchase and no subscription means you can come and go as you please. Friend on another server? Use a guest pass. It's free. You're level 60 and your friend just started? Doesn't matter, you automatically level-down in lower level zones and still can earn experience so you can quest right along your buddy.
And there is no quests. You pretty much just say "I wanna go that way" and off you go. Events happen around you and you can choose to jump in if you feel like it or not. You can help others without having to form groups and can loot any monster you fight. No loot stealing. And resource nodes that you harvest from are available to everyone so if someone mines some copper just before it's still there for you.
This game encourages you to help out others around you in an organic fashion. Granted it can be chaotic but it can also be a lot of fun. You can pick it up at Amazon for digital download right now:
Guild Wars 2